Spine and Spinal Cord Test

Spinal Cord 2
1. The thoracic region (T1-T10) of the spine has relatively low stability (True / False - 10 Points)
2. The number one cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States is injury due to a fall. (True / False - 10 Points)
3. What is the highest distributions of spinal cord injuries: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
4. Patients with spinal cord injuries should be log-rolled with the help of at least 3 people to keep the spine immobilized. (True / False - 10 Points)
5. Delayed or missed diagnosis is attributed to failure to suspect an injury or incorrect interpretation of x-rays. (True / False - 10 Points)
6. If the physical exam is suspicious for an injury - CT with 3mm axial cuts should be obtained. (True / False - 10 Points)
7. Neurogenic shock can result from disruption of the sympathetic chain emanating from the spinal cord resulting in loss of cardiovascular tone. (True / False - 10 Points)
8. If injury to C6 and above is suspected; intubation should not be considered prior to transport. (True / False - 10 Points)
9. High dose methylprednisolone remains mainstay treatment with non-penetrating spinal cord injury within the first 8 hours. (True / False - 10 Points)
10. Prompt consultation and transfer are NOT necessary when there is uncertainty about the ability to manage a spinal injury patient. (True / False - 10 Points)
11. Physicians can also play an important role in injury prevention science by participating in data collection and research. (True / False - 10 Points)
12. How can physicians be advocates for injury prevention? (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
13. Flaccid paralysis distal to injury site; loss of autonomic function; hypotension; vasodilation are signs of neurogenic shock. (True / False - 10 Points)
14. Any suspected spinal injury does NOT need to have a C-collar and placed on a rigid spine board prior to transfer. (True / False - 10 Points)
15. The lumbar spine has greater mobility allowing for greater movement and therefore injury is not very common. (True / False - 10 Points)
16. Whiplash is a term used to describe the injuries to the thoracic spine. (True / False - 10 Points)
17. Most patients with a c-spine fracture do not have a second; non-contiguous vertebral column fracture. (True / False - 10 Points)
18. A 19 year old patient arrives at your ER following a motor vehicle accident and is diagnosed with a vertebral fracture- how will the patient be evaluated and treated? (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
19. Severe injuries to the C-Spine rarely result in immediate death (True / False - 10 Points)
20. Before clearing a C-spine and removing the C-collar you should: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
21. Content of this activity was free of commercial bias? (Answer not graded)
22. Presentation level and content was appropriate? (Answer not graded)
23. Your educational needs were satisfied, and you will apply what you have learned in your practice? (Answer not graded)
24. Educational design and format was clear and easy to understand? (Answer not graded)
25. Stated objectives were clearly presented and met? (Answer not graded)