Medical Malpractice Claim Defense Test

1. Once a physician receives a letter from a plaintiff/attorney requesting explanation of treatment he/she provided he/she should: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
2. A physician's role in the claim process includes reporting the claim to the insurance carrier; forwarding any medical records and preparing a narrative. (True / False - 10 Points)
3. The contemporaneous medical record is powerful evidence in Court and is viewed as more believable than oral testimony. (True / False - 10 Points)
4. Your narrative summary should be: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
5. Your narrative should also include the patient's name; age and gender. (True / False - 10 Points)
6. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider fails to diagnose a patient; fails to provide appropriate treatment; and delays treatment to a patient. (True / False - 10 Points)
7. It is extremely important to identify and document patient behaviors which may have caused or worsened the problem. (True / False - 10 Points)
8. What are the elements of professional negligence: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
9. A legal duty is established AFTER a physician completes care or treatment of a patient (True / False - 10 Points)
10. As soon as you hear that you are being sued for a malpractice claim; you should send for the patient's records and correct or change any documentation that is misleading or in error. (True / False - 10 Points)
11. Content of this activity was free of commercial bias? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
12. Presentation level and content was appropriate? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
13. Your educational needs were satisfied, and you will apply what you have learned in your practice? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
14. Educational design and format was clear and easy to understand? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
15. Stated objectives were clearly presented and met? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)