EMTALA – Seminar Test

EMTALA Seminar
1. EMTALA applies to all hospitals that participate in the Federal Medicare Program. (True / False - 10 Points)
2. When was EMTALA passed? (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
3. Under EMTALA when a patient presents to a hospital seeking medical attention that hospital is required to provide a Medical Screening Exam to determine if an emergency medical condition exists. (True / False - 10 Points)
4. An EMTAL A complaint can arise from: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
5. As mentioned in his presentation; Mr. Gachassin states that it is very important that prior to discussing a possible EMTALA violation with investigators from the Department of Health and Hospitals; you should review the medical record of the patient involved to be prepared to answer any and all questions accurately. (True / False - 10 Points)
6. After the initial investigation; the report is sent for review at a CMS District office where the decision may be made that a violation has occurred. If it is decided that a violation has occurred; then a notice may be sent to the hospital stating that the hospital is in danger of losing its Medicare eligibility. (True / False - 10 Points)
7. As soon as it becomes clear that any hospital process is in danger of violating EMTALA; you should immediately start to remedy that process. Therefore, DO NOT wait until the hospital receives a written notice of a violation to remedy any known flawed process. (True / False - 10 Points)
8. Under EMTALA; a physician may be fined up to: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
9. Under EMTALA; a hospital may be fined up to: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
10. The cost of going through the process of defending an EMTALA complaint can often be much more costly than simply the fine imposed by the EMTALA violation itself. (True / False - 10 Points)
11. Content of this activity was free of commercial bias? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
12. Presentation level and content was appropriate? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
13. Your educational needs were satisfied, and you will apply what you have learned in your practice? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
14. Educational design and format was clear and easy to understand? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
15. Stated objectives were clearly presented and met? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)