Acute Appendicitis Test

1. Any delay or incorrect diagnosis of appendicitis could cause increased mortality. (True / False - 10 Points)
2. Appendicitis is NOT a common cause of litigation. (True / False - 10 Points)
3. Classic signs and symptoms of appendicitis include epigastric or periumbilical pain; vomiting and pain over right iliac fossa. (True / False - 10 Points)
4. The diagnosis of appendicitis is made easy in the elderly; women and children. (True / False - 10 Points)
5. Some of the conditions that mimic appendicitis include renal colic; cecal carcinoma; or duodenal ulcer. (True / False - 10 Points)
6. If the patient's presentation to the ER does not suggest immediate surgery you should discharge the patient and instruct them to follow up with their family physician. (True / False - 10 Points)
7. The ultrasound study has a high degree of accuracy in diagnosing appendicitis. (True / False - 10 Points)
8. If a patient presents with short duration of pain; abdominal rigidity; pain to right lower quad (pain centered in right lower quad); then the patient should go straight to surgery. (True / False - 10 Points)
9. If the diagnosis of appendicitis is uncertain; early CT is not warranted. (True / False - 10 Points)
10. Early surgical consultation in the ER is necessary to establish a treatment plan. (True / False - 10 Points)
11. Other conditions that can possibly mimic appendicitis include perforated gallbladder; inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal obstruction. (True / False - 10 Points)
12. The pinch an inch test is performed by grasping a fold of skin over McBurney's point and pulling it away from the peritoneum. (True / False - 10 Points)
13. Fever and leukocytosis are almost always present; especially early in the course of the illness. (True / False - 10 Points)
14. Migration of pain from the periumbilical area to the RLQ is the most discerning feature of the patient's history. This finding has a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 84%. (True / False - 10 Points)
15. The age of the patient and degree of inflammation make the clinical presentation of appendicitis easy to diagnose. (True / False - 10 Points)
16. Because of the large group of patients who present to the ED with abdominal pain (of all etiologies) the ER physician's goal is to consult appropriately and rapidly. (True / False - 10 Points)
17. Most appendicitis patients recover easily with surgical treatment; but complications rarely occur if treatment is delayed or if peritonitis occurs. (True / False - 10 Points)
19. Very often; children (age 5-9 years) with appendicitis are diagnosed with gastroenteritis or a respiratory infection. (True / False - 10 Points)
20. One of the most critical ways the ER physician can diagnose appendicitis is by thorough history taking and physical exam. (True / False - 10 Points)
21. A 30-year-old male patient presents to your ER with complaints of abdominal pain and nausea and fever. After careful physical examination and history, the ER physician decides to obtain a CT; labs and urinalysis. The CT scan indicates appendicitis. You should: (Multiple Choice - 10 Points)
22. Content of this activity was free of commercial bias? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
23. Presentation level and content was appropriate? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
24. Your educational needs were satisfied, and you will apply what you have learned in your practice? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
25. Educational design and format was clear and easy to understand? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)
26. Stated objectives were clearly presented and met? (Answer not graded- Survey Question)